Saturday, September 17, 2011

Case no.2

A 56-year-old woman presented with complaints of an ulcerating lesion at the inner corner of right eye for the past 8 months. There had been an off and on history of yellowish discharge from the lesion; occasionally it is blood tinged. She had a history of trauma with a wooden stick at the affected site, 10 months earlier. Clinically, a firm mass could be palpated. Extraocular movements were full. Slit lamp and fundus examination were within normal limits in both eyes. CT scan showing coronal and axial view is shown above.

1. The most probable diagnosis is:                
                   a. sebaceous gland carcinoma
                   b. canaliculitis (Actinomyces)
                   c. chronic dacryocystitis with fistula
                   d. basal cell carcinoma

2. The treatment would be:
                  a. curettage of canaliculi and Amphoteracin B
                  b. dacryo-cystorhinostomy with stent
                  c. incisional biopsy
                  d. wide excision of the lesion with margin control

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